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What I've discovered on my own healing journey, as well as in working with other sensitives, is that deep, true healing on any level- physical, emotional, mental or spiritual- almost always requires working from the inside out.  As much as I love to nerd out on all things science, plants & magick, in my experience, there is no potion or pill that will fix all that ails you.  And its certainly no substitute for your full presence and participation in your healing. Showing up for yourself and being willing to pursue deep, inner work, combined with customized holistic strategies and the necessary support is where I consistently see the magic happen.

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I'm a former Educational Administrator & Graphic Designer, turned Entrepreneur, Clinical Herbalist, Nutrition Advocate, Reiki Practitioner, Wellness Educator & 

Circle Leader.  


I'm also a sovereign soul.  


And I'm all about teaching & supporting others interested in stepping into their own health sovereignty, how to navigate their health & wellness challenges with empowered, holistic, nature & earth-based strategies.

Hi There!

I'm Cole Michelle.


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from the inside out.

I don't pretend to have all the answers- I'm no guru or motivational speaker (nor do I want to be- thank you very much! I'll leave that for the uber-extroverts.). Nor am I some perfectly healed Empath/HSP with zero struggles (Does that really even exist? I'm open to the possibility...but not sure that perfection happens on the 3D, material plane).  Healing is an ongoing process and our needs and the ideal strategies will change and evolve, just as we do.  


But one thing I can now say much more frequently with true confidence. I am whole, not broken.  I am enough, not lacking.  And my sensitivity is one of my greatest strengths.  I know its one of your strengths too. But only if you want it to be.


One thing that has been most pivotal to my own growth and healing as a sensitive soul, is discovering that I am not alone.  Nor do I need to be.  Unfortunately, I had to reach a point of utter desperation before embracing this idea and asking for help. (OMG- the horror!)  I undoubtedly wasted a lot of time and energy trying to DIY myself (though I certainly learned A LOT in the process, and for that, I'm grateful!).  But once I allowed the space and time to explore what I truly needed, to ask for the necessary support and to connect with others going through similar experiences, it greatly accelerated my own healing and growth.  And while I did learn a lot from those experiences (and I have no regrets), my hope is to help you avoid that much longer road.


Introverted or extroverted, sensitive or not, science has consistently confirmed that humans aren't wired for isolation.  We are social creatures by nature and we thrive on connection with one another.  While I believe that each of us is ultimately our own healer, and that we truly do have all the resources we need to heal ourselves, I also don't believe that this process takes place in some sort of vacuum.  Most of us need a catalyst or support system through at least some portion of of our healing work. 

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As a sensitive, there is a frequent tendency

to stay small, fade into the background,

or to try to DIY yourself without support. 

Which most often leads to feelings of

isolation & frustration.


I for one, am done hiding away & going it alone.

So I'm showing up- both for myself and for you. 

Because I have a lot of to give. 

And so do you. Especially to yourself.


You really don't have to go it alone & why

in the world would you want to 

when you can get so much further,

so much faster with the right kind of support


Its also a whole lot more FUN

Are you ready to show up for the most valuable person

in your life?

 If you are an Empath, HSP or Energy Sensitive who's ready to take the next step towards learning health & well-being, my mission is to serve as your personal holistic wellness partner and educator. I can offer you a broad array of strategies and tools (herbal, nutritional, lifestyle and spiritual/energetic approaches, including Reiki) that you can use to support your own growth and healing as an Empath, HSP or Sensitive Soul.  I'm always expanding my tool kit for myself and those I support, but if I don't have what you need, I won't hesitate to connect you with someone who does!  


I'm also here to get real about what its truly like to be a sensitive soul. Because  those leaders, teachers and healers who helped me the most on my own journey, and continue to do so, are those who were willing to be vulnerable, honest and authentic about their own experience- both the light and the shadows.  The truth is, I've learned far more from the darkness of my pain and trials than I have from the golden, peak light of my victories and achievements (as amazing and wonderful as they are).  While we don't have to stay and wallow in the shadows forever, neither can we ignore them or hide them away. More often than not, the only way out, is through.  And it means embracing our whole selves- not just the easy or pretty bits.


Join me to learn explore new ways of being and relating to yourself and the external world.  We'll uncover personalized, empowering strategies for supporting your health and well-being as a sensitive soul.  We may spend some time digging and delving in the dark places, but we'll also spend plenty of time embracing the light, play and joy.  Too often healing work can hyper-focus on the wounds, broken parts, what's "wrong", and what we have to give up or eliminate to achieve health and balance.  My approach is to also focus on all the wondrous resources we already have, as well as the exciting and pleasurable new things we can embrace and add to our lives, while also allowing room and space for grieving those things we've lost, need to release, or that may never be.  There will be times for laughter and time for tears. Good days and bad days, and some in between.  We can learn to flow between the ups and downs without being overwhelmed by either.  I'm walking talking proof that its possible- or you wouldn't be reading this now!


I want you to know that I see you. You are whole. You are enough. You are loved. And you have everything you need inside yourself.  I'm just here as a mirror, a catalyst, a resource and a partner. We can find a new healing path- together.

Are you ready to awaken your inner healer & embrace possibility?


Are you willing to show up for yourself to create the rich, fulfilling, abundant, vital life you desire

and were born to live?


Do you want to learn tools to reduce and manage your health and well-being so you can feel more

vibrant, joyous and filled with light, magic & love?

Cole At-A-Glance

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The Fur Babies...

Roxie, Scout & Max

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I would be truly honored to be one of your partners and catalysts on your journey. 


If you're ready to get started, click the button below to cozy up with Cole and

schedule your discovery call or a personalized session!   

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Musical Dabbler

The Hubbin' (Kirk)

The Fur-Babies (Scout, Roxie & Max)

Medicine Maker



Fire Spinner

Dirt Digger


Guilty Pleasure

Crystal & Rock Obsessed

Yogi Wannabe


Hugs & Deep Conversations

Butter Makes Everything Better

Plant Magic

Kitchen Witch

Tea Time

Out in Nature

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I want to know all about your experience, needs & desires as a sensitive soul- so that I can better serve YOU!  


If you have the time & inclination, I would be oh-so very grateful for your input & feedback!


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