Sovereign Circle
To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light. ~C.G. Jung

Do you often...
...feel isolated or alone, even amidst those you consider closest to you?
...feel as if no one knows or understands the real you- perhaps even yourself?
...fear expressing your true feelings or authentic self due to fears of abandonment, conflict or being misunderstood and invalidated?
...feel empty, hollow - as if you are just going through the motions- doing all the things you were taught were "right" by your family and society, and crossing off all those "shoulds", yet still feel as if something is missing or you aren't enough?
...fear that you will hurt or diminish others or be judged for being or wanting too much if you allow the full light of your true essence and to express and shine in the world?
...get tired of playing small or feeling like you are on the outside looking in?
Are you yearning... uncover and understand the subconscious blocks, fears, beliefs and self-judgements that hold you back from healing or creating the life you desire? discover crystalline clarity surrounding your deepest motivations and desires so that you can create an aligned life you truly love? find a tribe of like-hearted humans where you can be your raw, unfiltered self, without fear of judgement or censure? create more intimate relationships, connections and community? transform feelings of isolation into belonging? access and effectively channel your deep wellspring of personal power & inner strength so that you can be fully present for yourself, your family, and your community with love, wisdom & grace?

The root of the word heal is literally to "make whole". To fully inhabit and experience our wholeness, we must first know ourselves- in all our aspects, both the most luminous and beautiful, as well as the dark and ugly, and all that falls in between. The idea that healing can only occur when you are "positive" or "high vibe", is an insidious, seductive myth within healing philosophies and communities. This lopsided approach often leads to the exact opposite of healing: feelings of shame, lack and not being good enough, leading to more imbalance and dis-ease.
Just like electrical energy requires positive and negative charge to flow, so does the human body, mind, heart and spirit require access to both dark and light to thrive and blossom into its unlimited potential. Fragmented, without access to the full spectrum of our being and experience, we are left lifeless, hollow, and one-dimensional- in a state of constant searching for the person, thing, or experience that will finally fill us, heal us, make us whole. But the thing we are searching for is always within- and its in the place we fear most to look. So we numb and distract ourselves, distancing ourselves from the pathway to our own liberation.
To access and channel the full power available within us, we must first face and love our shadowy darkness as deeply as we do our luminous light. Reaching a higher vibration does not mean setting up camp in the dark, nor does it mean leaving lower vibrations behind- rather it means loving and integrating them to create a beautiful and balanced harmony. This is the great work. And no one else can do it, except YOU.
Until we each face the dark shadow which we have learned to fear, it will forever have power over us and control our choices and our destiny. This is always reflected in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. To heal is a journey into the vastness and depths of our very being, to know exactly who and what you are and what you need in the moment. You are already whole and complete- it is a process of remembering how connect the pieces that you have been led to believe are missing or separate. In truth, they've been there all along. Calling to you. Waiting for you.
A Call to Integrate the Light & the Shadow Within.
You Are
to reconnect with your wisdom, beauty, intuition, compassion and creativity. This is a space to reclaim your deepest inspiration & desires. If you are yearning for connection and safety and a group of beings dedicated to practicing radical love and acceptance for both the light and the shadow, self and other, if you know that there is more of you that you would like to uncover, then this gathering is the place to be!
There are no gurus here- except you! Blaze your own path, find your own way- you are a sovereign, divine being. A world of celebration and possibility awaits you. If you have been looking for a community that provides room to process, create, love, dance, laugh, cry or just
This is a space where your authentic self in all its aspects is always celebrated...and you can open up to share and explore true desires, thoughts, feelings and experiences. A place to see and be seen, to hear and be heard, to feel and be felt, to speak and to listen, to receive and to give, to hold and be held. You are whole and complete, just as you are right now-
there is nothing to fix, only treasures to uncover.
No one can walk your path for you, but you also don't have to walk alone! Enter this sacred space to find connection, community, transformation and awaken your inner voice and innate sovereignty.
Come experience the Magick that happens when feminine souls gather together.
Open your Heart, uncover your true Essence and get in touch with the vastness of your inner Power.

I would love to have you join me for Sovereign Circle- a co-creative, collaborative meetup of feminine souls searching for a like-hearted tribe. We meet on the New & Full Moons to ground ourselves ever more deeply with the cycles nature & the earth, raise our voices in speech and song, move our bodies in dance, feel our breath, and strengthen connection with our highest, wisest selves, practice harmonizing our inner light and shadow to create balance and wholeness within, and create intimate, meaningful connections with one another.
Pre-registration & payment is required. Each circle session limited to 12 female* participants. Adults only at this time. Sign up early to ensure your seat!
Payment, Cancellation & Refund Policy: See FAQ at the bottom of this page for more details.

Sovereign Circle: The Details
Each virtual Sovereign Circle session will last 2 hours. We begin promptly on the hour.
Circle structure and activities will vary by session, but will generally center around the current astrology/moon phase, as well as the season and may include vocalization, dancing, journaling, sharing, tarot, meditation, inner journeying/dialoging, breath work, EFT and more.*
Full details regarding event logisitics (needed supplies and considerations) will be provided via email after registration.
NOTE: Participation in all Sovereign Circle activities and personal sharing are 100% voluntary. Each participant is viewed as the sovereign creator of their life and experience and may choose to participate or not participate in any proposed activity. Each participant is invited and encouraged to explore, play and stretch the boundaries of their comfort zones as it feels safe and in alignment for them.
Sovereign Circle Registration

Sovereign Circle
Celebrating the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Libra
March 24, 2024
Virtual (via Google Meet)
$10-$30 (Sliding Scale)

Sovereign Circle
Celebrating the New Moon
in Taurus
May 7, 2024
Virtual (via Google Meet)
$10-$30 (Sliding Scale)

Sovereign Circle
Celebrating the
New Moon in Pisces
March 10, 2024
Virtual (via Google Meet)
$10-$30 (Sliding Scale)

Sovereign Circle
Celebrating the New Moon & Total Solar Eclipse in Aries
April 7 & 8, 2024
Virtual (via Google Meet)
$10-$30 (Sliding Scale)

Sovereign Circle
Special Spring Equinox Ceremony & Soiree
March 19, 2024
Virtual (via Google Meet) &
In Person (Renton, WA)
Cost TBD

Sovereign Circle
Celebrating the
Full Moon in Scorpio
April 23, 2024
Virtual (via Google Meet)
$10-$30 (Sliding Scale)
How is Sovereign Circle structured and what is included? What should I expect?Virtual Circles Virtual Circles will meet using Google Meet and last 2 hours. Because of the connective nature of circle, Cole Michelle requests that participants have their cameras ON during circle (unless they absolutely must step away for a moment, etc.), so please plan to be seen! That's why we are here. Circle structure and activities will vary by session, but may include ritual, vocalization, movement/dance, journaling, sharing, inspirational readings, tarot, guided meditation, inner journeying/dialogue/shadow work, breath work, energy work, EFT, art/crafts and more. There may be other optional supplies suggested for a given circle activity (ie: a candle, art or drawing supplies, etc). If there are any needs for this specific circle, details will be sent in a separate email. Full details regarding event logisitcs for each specific circle will be provided via email after registration. In Person Circles Circle begins with a tea social (30 minutes). Cole Michelle prepare a specially formulated herbal tea for all to share (a $5 value). Circle begins after our tea social and will last for 2 hours. Circle structure and activities will vary by session, but may include ritual, singing/vocalization, dancing, journaling, sharing, inspirational readings, tarot, guided meditation, inner journeying/dialogue/shadow work, breath work, energy work, EFT, art/crafts and more. Each participant will also receive a 1/2 ounce, bottled flower essence to take home, specially formulated for the new/full moon (a $12 value!). Full details regarding event logisitcs for each specific circle will be provided via email after registration.
Does Sovereign Circle focus on a specific philosophy or religion?Sovereign Circle is based on a model of "Co-Creative Leadership". Co-creative leadership is like a wheel- each woman in circle is a spoke on the wheel, contributing her unique gifts, talents, strengths & medicine, which is what makes the wheel turn. The wheel is created by the diversity of the community. Each woman contributes and together we co-create the mission, because we value and celebrate each woman's contribution and we are committed to her being her full self-expression. When we get that we each matter; that we each have something to offer; we can relax and stop trying to be everything to everyone. We can lean on our sisters, and trust the law of giving & receiving. We'll learn how to collaborate and come together as one. (Excerpted from "The Art of Leading Circle", Tanya Lynn, 2020). This is also a space that welcomes and honors members of all spiritual and religious paths. All participants are invited to hold and share their individual beliefs and views while respecting those of others that may differ from their own. We are here to learn from and support one another in our individual journeys of spiritual and personal growth. There will be many spiritual practices or views that may be incorporated or referenced in any given circle. One of the primary foci of circle is aligning with the natural world, its cycles and rhythms (the seasons, movements of the moon, the elements, etc.). Practices and modalities such as yoga, breath work, tarot, crystal healing, Reiki/Energy/Sound Healing techniques, astrology, flower essences, meditation, chanting, prayer, ritual and many others may be incorporated into various circles. If an individual is uncomfortable with or offended by an open approach that incorporates a wide variety of philosophies, practices or modalities, Sovereign Circle may not be the ideal fit.
Is Sovereign Circle similar to therapy?Sovereign Circle is not intended as therapy or to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals. Cole Michelle recommends that you seek independent professional guidance for such matters. If you are currently under the care of a mental health professional, Cole Michelle also recommends that you inform your mental health provider.
Are there any rules that govern Sovereign Circle?There aren't “rules” in the standard sense. However their are agreements that Cole Michelle requests all participants to subscribe to when attending circle. The purpose of these agreements is to foster and build TRUST & INTEGRITY. This starts with clear agreements and communication, which fosters the creation of a strong container- a safe, boundaried space where all participants can allow themselves to be truly open, vulnerable and authentic in their words, actions and expression. This opens the way for us to build intimacy and deep meaningful connections with one another and ourselves. Below are the key agreements for Sovereign Circle: First Agreement: Confidentiality Circle is a completely confidential space. No participant or the Circle Facilitator will share what is discussed in circle (i.e.: another's story, message or trauma, etc.) with other individuals outside the circle. Whatever is said in circle, stays in circle. This is intended to be a safe space supporting each participant in being open, honest, vulnerable and authentic in their expression with others and themselves. Second Agreement: No Expectations All participants come to circle open with no expectations. Each participant comes to circle for a reason, and is expected to trust in the medicine that circle offers to each participant, including themselves. Third Agreement: Feedback Participants do not provide one another feedback unless requested. There may be times where an individual becomes emotional, cries, has a breakdown of some kind, etc. Circle participants should endeavor to refrain from fixing, advice giving, coaching, rescuing or consoling one another. Instead participants beam one another at the end of a share. To beam, hold both hands up with palms facing the woman sharing (this will be demonstrated by the designated Circle Facilitator at each circle). This practice is intended to honor and celebrate what the participant has shared and experienced, so that she feels seen, heard, and valued. By eliminating feedback, each woman is allowed to experience finding the answers within herself and not look for external validation. Fourth Agreement: Timing In order to honor all participants, the Circle Facilitator will endeavor to begin and end Sovereign Circle on time. For in-person circles, please plan to arrive at least 10-15 minutes early; For virtual circles, please plan to login using Google Meet (link provided on registration), 5-10 minutes prior to our start time. This respects all circle participants and the creation of sacred space and a strong container. Everyone understands unexpected delays occasionally occur- If you are late for circle, please enter the space quietly and take your seat. If you are delayed by more than 5-10 minutes, you may want to consider skipping circle in order not disrupt the sacred space for other participants. On the rare occasion that Sovereign Circle will go past the scheduled end time, the Circle Facilitator will let everyone know and give circle participants permission to leave if they need to. When sharing, the Circle Facilitator (or a designated Time Keeper) will use a timer to ensure each participant receives an uninterrupted amount of time to share. This allows all participants to have an equal opportunity to participate and keeps the schedule on track so Circle can end at the intended time. Fifth Agreement: Full Presence In order to create a safe space for all participants to be open and authentic, all participants are respectfully asked to refrain from intoxication by substances that may inhibit their ability to be fully present during circle events (this does not apply to any prescription medications- however if you feel any side-effect of your prescription may interfere with your ability to be present fully, then it is recommended you use your own best judgement as to whether attending circle is appropriate for you and honoring to other participants at any given time). Cole Michelle does not recommend or advise the use of any illegal substances, but also holds ZERO judgement towards anyone who may choose to use recreational or other healing substances (prescription, non-prescription, psychoactive or otherwise) outside of circle. Each person is the sovereign creator of their life experience and may choose what is right for them in terms of their growth and healing. This agreement is only for purposes of ensuring the emotional, psychological, spiritual and physical safety of ALL participants, and is not in any way a judgement on the use of such substances for participants own personal, recreational, healing, or spiritual development. Any circle participant who is visibly intoxicated and at risk of disrupting the container and sacred space, may be respectfully asked to leave circle. Repeated/ongoing violations, may result in the participant no longer being welcomed to future circle events. All circle participants are asked to offer the signature in acknowledgement of their agreement with these 5 tenets signature prior to attending their first Sovereign Circle. If any of these agreements are not in alignment for you, then Sovereign Circle may not be the right fit.
How long does Sovereign Circle last?Each Sovereign Circle will last 2.5 hours total. We will kickoff with a tea social which will last for the first half hour. Our formal circle begins promptly on the hour and will last for a full 2 hours. In order to honor all participants, the Circle Facilitator will endeavor to begin and end Sovereign Circle on time. On the rare occasion that Sovereign Circle will go past the scheduled end time, the Circle Facilitator will let everyone know and give circle participants permission to leave if they need to.
What time should I arrive for circle?Please plan to arrive at least 10-15 minutes early to respect all circle participants and the creation of sacred space and a strong container. Everyone understands unexpected delays occasionally occur- If you are late for circle, please enter the space quietly and take your seat. If you are delayed by more than 5-10 minutes, you may want to consider skipping circle in order not disrupt the sacred space for other participants.
Where is Sovereign Circle held?Sovereign Circle may be offered in both in-person and online formats. Online meetups are held via Google Meet. Meeting link provided at time of registration. In person meetups are held at my private residence in Renton, Washington (Fairwood Greens neighborhood). Exact address will be provided at time of registration.
I want to register for Sovereign Circle but when I view the calendar no dates are available.If no dates are available for booking, this generally means a given circle has reached capacity (unless there is a technical issue). If you are interested in being placed on the waitlist in the event of a cancellation, email Cole Michelle at with the desired circle name & date. Cole may also periodically offer alternate dates for a 2nd or 3rd circle if at least 5 parties express interest- see the calendar registration page for each circle to view the specific alternate circle dates/times (when offered).
What is your cancellation and refund policy for Sovereign Circle?Cole Michelle understands that unplanned emergencies do sometimes occur, however it is greatly appreciated if you provide no less than 48 hours' notice whenever possible in the event that you need to cancel/reschedule your seat reservation so that space can be made available to other participants. Please contact Cole Michelle via phone at (458) 214-2180 or email at, or use the cancellation/rescheduling links provided in your email registration confirmation (when booking online). Repeated and excessive cancellations with less that 48 hours' notice may result in fees for the full cost of your registration. Booked seats are non-refundable, but may be transferred to a future Sovereign Circle session in the event you need to cancel/reschedule. Please note that a minimum of 5 signups is required for Sovereign Circle to run. If the minimum enrollment is not met for a particular Sovereign Circle gathering, it may be cancelled at the discretion of the Circle Facilitator. Registered participants will be notified and offered a refund or may elect to apply their payment to a future Sovereign Circle or another service/product offered by Cole Michelle.
What are my payment options?Payment, when applicable, is due at time of registration. Payment on day of circle and/or payment plans may be available in certain circumstances (but must be arranged and approved in advance of circle/event participation. Contact Cole Michelle for details.). Reservation payments are non-refundable, but in the event you are unable to attend and need to cancel/reschedule, your payment may be applied to a future Sovereign Circle Session (or another product/service offered by Cole Michelle). If this should occur, contact Cole Michelle at 458.214.2180 or to make arrangements.
I cannot afford to pay for circle. Are any payment plans or scholarships available?For those in financial need, Cole Michelle does have one scholarship seat available for each circle session in exchange for assistance with set up pre-circle and clean-up post circle. If you are interested, contact Cole Michelle at with a brief explanation of your circumstances and why you feel you need assistance, why you want to attend circle, and the skills or talents you can contribute.
What is your Privacy Policy?All information exchanged between Cole Michelle LLC (including its staff) and a participant is entirely confidential. No information about any participant will be discussed or shared with any third-party without written consent of the participant or parent/guardian (if the client is under 18).